17 Stunning & Modern UNIX Tools

7 min readFeb 7, 2022

Last week I finally switched my laptop to Linux (I choose Pop!_OS and I’m very happy with it). After installing all the tools and software I needed for my day to day work I found a repository that listed a lot of modern UNIX tools that are alternatives to common commands. They are absolutely stunning and I fell in love with them. For this reason I wanted to share the ones I like the most with you in this post. Let’s stop wasting time and let’s deep dive into those beautiful tools!

1. bat

Reference: https://github.com/sharkdp/bat

A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration. This is not just way more beautiful than cat, it is also quite more powerful. It has:

  • Syntax Highlightning
  • Git integration
  • Shows non-printable characters
  • Automatic paging
  • Good integration with other tools

You can easily install it on Ubuntu with apt:

sudo apt install bat

It could install it as batcat due to a name clash with another package. If so you can simply run:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/batcat /usr/local/bin/bat

2. exa




Written by thelicato

F R A G I L E — Handle with care 👨‍💻 Security Researcher 🖖 Incurable nerd 🎞️ Movie/TV Show addicted

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